In which I use my blog in what’s apparently the ‘proper’ way….

Let’s define ‘blog’, shall we? It’s a journal where readers can interact with the person posting through the comments section, or…something.

No, really. Let’s be honest about it. In way too many cases, it’s a place for the writer to play on the sympathies of the readers and beg for cash and goods.

Let’s see if I can manage. I probably can’t, since I kinda suck at all of that crap.
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I guess it’s my turn to mention something….

Even though it’s already been covered rather extensively elsewhere — I have a Kindle.

It was a gift, in the sense that it was purchased with an gift card sent to me that mentioned that I should use it to get a Kindle, and maybe some books.
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Lots of…stuff. I guess….

Probably not really. I’m trying to decide whether or not I should let this post span a few categories or not….

Why the hell not. They’re mostly reviews anyway….
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