And here’s an original post title: Skyline

I’ve decided, just now, that there are three kinds of movies: good, bad, and fun. And they overlap. Something can be just good, or just bad, or good or bad fun.

Skyline was fun. Pure, mockable fun.

That said, I don’t recommend that you see it, unless you’ve managed to sit through, say, The Star Wars Holiday Special. I’m not saying you had to like it, but you had to enjoy the suffering. And it’s best if there’s more than one of you there, because you have to enjoy sharing that sort of suffering. And we’re talking suffering here. IMDB forum levels of suffering, where, apparently, they’re screaming about this movie being homophobic.
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Harry Potter and the inability to stick to the damn book….

So, Half Blood Prince came out yesterday….

We were going to go see it during the day, when tickets were cheaper, but Gremlin forgot and slept through those hours. So…we went when it cost more, and was more crowded. Which means we ended up sitting really close to the screen. But…that was kinda my choice, because I didn’t want to sit between Drunk and Drunker….

Unfortunately, we got there in time for the previews, which means I was subjected to the Twilight sequel’s deplorable morphing CG. Ugh. Wow. Really? Did you have to reveal that in the preview? What the hell is wrong with you people?
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The firetruck story that everyone’s already heard.

Watchmen came out on the 6th. That was…kinda a while ago, wasn’t it?

It was good. Reasonably accurate, with some glaring differences that…probably were for the best. Because the original ending was a teensy bit convoluted, and probably a little difficult to get across in only three hours.

Looking back, I probably should’ve tried to insist on not seeing it until I had painkillers, because I knew I was going to end up with a headache.
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