I Did A Thing: Gauge Cluster Swap

So, I have this Jeep.

Specifically, I have a 1995 Jeep Cherokee SE, with a 4.0 and an AW4 automatic transmission and no 4WD.

It’s barely a Jeep at all.

And it came with idiot lights instead of gauges. Or, at least, it came to me with idiot lights instead of gauges. I don’t know why anyone would willingly swap that shit, but who can tell. Someone, at some point, did some batshit insane things to it, like cutting the shit out of the radio wires, and mangling the interior fuse box.

Doesn’t matter. It’s mine now. And I seem to be able to do something about it.

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Teardown and Repair of LG G4

Last year, Gremlin’s LG G4 suffered a rather inexplicable problem: the battery swelled. Instead of pushing off the [impressively tight-fitting] back cover, it fractured the screen.

Being a very new phone [not quite six months old, I think], I figured LG would take care of it.

I was wrong.

LG took it for a month, declined to fix it, declared the warranty void due to physical damage, and closed the issue entirely.

LG’s twitter never responded to me after asking me to direct message them about it.

So, I decided to fix it myself.

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Teardown: Old DVD burner.

Loyal Reader, I would like to present a new somewhat regular thing: Teardown Tuesday, where I indulge in a rather weird personal pleasure–taking things apart–and torment you with bad pictures of the process.

I hope that, eventually, my pictures will get better.

This Tuesday’s item is the humble DVD-RW. I don’t know what brand or model–it might be on the label visible in one of the pictures, but I don’t think it matters. If I manage to keep doing this, I will try to be better about brands and model numbers.


If you’ve ever wondered what these look like on the inside, you’re in luck. Especially if you’ve ever wondered what these things look like on the inside in a slightly murky room with weird lighting.

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