Social Network Anxiety

I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’ve got more issues than a hoarder with a thing for magazines. 

If not?  I just did. 

If it weren’t for the internet, I wouldn’t be where I am today.  I doubt I’d be in Colorado, and I certainly wouldn’t have the friends I have.

There are problems, though.

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Depression, Anxiety, and Friends.

That sounds a little like a pitch for a cartoon, or a line of plush figures, doesn’t it?

That’s not what I mean, though. I want to talk about being me and having friends — or not having friends. Because, honestly, I’m never exactly sure from moment to moment whether or not I do have friends.

Because I have problems.

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How To: Visiting a New Doctor

If you’re not me, it’s a simple process. You wake up, have breakfast, or maybe some coffee. Maybe you call in to work to make sure they know you might not be in today, or you’re leaving early, or whatever. You take a shower, get dressed, and just go about your day.

Obtaining that new doctor is probably a simple process, too. You might ask someone if they can recommend one, or you get a referral from some more official place.

This is not how things go if you’re me.
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